Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lower Left Pain Needs To Wee A Lot

Sushi Carefree

Despite strange diseases, I could not, of course, yesterday evening my much-anticipated Sushi Course to cancel! I liiiiiebe Sushi! Unfortunately, I get which is extremely rare. At most times on vacation, where in some cities is taking place. If but also not often. For the first time I've eaten sushi eleven years ago in Vienna and in London, I finally allowed them to have any. In between, there were only very few cases. And if there really are times that you have to upset always remember how much do the little things.
But that's all in the past, the future I will make sushi at home in incredible amounts!

The whole thing is much easier than I ever would have thought.
Yeah, of course I had the camera with. ;-)
You take a sheet of nori (seaweed - Andrea does not need to read further if it is already weird) ...

... distributed to the rice and place of each fill from the front edge ...

... and rolls it all in with the help of a small bamboo mat.
Voilá - my first role

This is done now in quick succession, often after the other with alternating panels.

And then the surprise when you cut the rolls into pieces:

The calls then Maki . We have (is where the rubber strapped on top) even special shapes such as Futo-maki (several panels), Nigiri and Gunkan Maki (these potties like them) made, and a bit sashimi (just bits raw fish) in advance.

I'm inspired. I gefuttert tons of sushi, it was just heavenly. I did not realize is that this is so easy! The most difficult thing about the whole thing seems to be getting added to the rice so that it has the best sushi consistency. I will still see a perfect Asian online shop and buy me the necessary ingredients. Finally something on shopping other than only the stupid Scrapzeugs! :)


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