Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Treasure Chest Wedding Invitiations

Strawberry Field - # 55 STMG

The new challenge at STMG going until this afternoon online, because even a very special price is being prepared. Fails, so do not sit and watch over there later, and of course, participate! ;-) My
DT layout reasons, but I also show now:

Because I sure as the title of a word with four "e" had to search inside, I'm better sometimes used to bond as a complete alphas. These wonderful Alpha Stamps by SU! were with me were a little forgotten ... Sometimes you have to first visit (with medium Tortendeckchen) come a little bit of looks in the corners. With so much other then on again.

way - I always wanted to ask you if your really puts an emphasis on ingredients lists! All of the past I've always very detailed, which I used on my layouts, everything. Not only the PP, but also of the stamp, punch, etc. Was it really ever for anyone interested in? I have at some point stopped because I thought it looks likely before any. Is that so? Since then I got out of the SBW creative team, I was of course no more shop links. That is also very consuming. But to material information I could possibly be carried away in the future, if it really interested.
says something. :-)


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