Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All Factor Combinations Calculator


I'm experimenting again just a bit around with my blog. I have created some additional pages, one for the flea market, and then a layout gallery. I thought it might be quite nice to be able to see all the layouts at a glance when you look once an inspiration for the split. Therefore I have divided extra again: in layouts with only one photo with "Multi". That means in this case, everything is more than one. * Gg *
uploading the pictures here turns out to be surprisingly difficult. I work in general at Blogger still using the old editor - for this additional pages but unfortunately it takes automatically the new one. Because I come set with the images very bad deal. Every time I add something new, slipping everything before ever looked beautiful. Therefore, it may take a while to the galleries are filled completely. But I have usefully sorted retroactively (that is the Latest to top) - the interest in the very old layout keeps yes probably limited. But eventually come then even after.
The flea market has unfortunately also the first shot before I can fight as well with the setting ... * Eye roll *
then I let you know when it actually starts.
And finally (?) You can also reach me now, if necessary by mail! The address can be found on the flea market side.


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