Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thrush Bottom Or Butt

It's here! * Sigh *

My First Studio Calico kit. Has indeed gone on long enough, I was a bit restless. But now it's there, just like that. Quite spectacular, with the Post - and it is THE HAMMER! But this box! I see weiterverbasteln me already. (Although - do not rush, there are still eleven more.) And then the whole shebang dadrin again in such a beautiful paper bag:

enthusiasm of kraft paper bags, an outsider can now perhaps difficult to understand. Can you see that the box inside still finds itself with a white doily pattern?
such pretty things. This stamp with the book series is so well along already gold! There are not only used items from Studio Calico included in the kit, but also other topical products. The Keepsake Holder Pockets are the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. And then there are such nice little card, with the announcement of new products and the words "Packed with affection by ..." Just the impression it makes. I am absolutely thrilled.

soon. Roll back a bit to me now in ecstasy the ground.


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