Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Difference Between Pointe And Demi Pointe


No, today there is no layout with the brand new SC kit visible (which I still have a little look at * gg *), but again a lift for the Jump Start, in the SBT until the end of the month running. Template this time a layout by Irina . I also wanted to make something with a Tortendeckchen!

Geschenkten Tortendeckchen you look so not in his mouth (again thank you!), But they were small for my purpose here then but a very little ... I have therefore simply cut from a marginalized, and that a bit pasted to a second pleated doily around! Just so as a tip. ;-)
And so the wrong impression about my gratitude, I immediately have made a card with it - namely, they have for just the right size!


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