Friday, February 15, 2008

Skateland Of Putty Hill

New Online Travel price comparison under

more, pay less

Who knows not this: to book a journey on the Internet is actually quite simple - it only becomes difficult when it comes to the cheapest way out of the online quotation jungle filter out. This extensive research on various individual sites is the future of the past, as the new European tour Compare Travel IQ now creating transparency

In he offers an independent service, giving users the full range of flights, car hire and hotels of the best travel sites on the Internet can compare with each other - and so in a few seconds are guaranteed to find the best deal. The big advantage is that users are moving in search of their journey only on a single page.

How does it work? Simply choose destination, travel time and indicate with a mouse click makes all the building blocks of an IQ Travel travel vendor-independent together in one package.

"For each component - be it air, hotel or rental car - initially the cheapest deals identified, then they can in the form of an individual travel plan put together free, managed and stored is also Travel IQ of the first travel price comparison, the various airlines for. the return flight combined, "says managing director Dr. Christian Hennerkes.

also determines Travel IQ always the exact total cost of a trip for all possible combinations of different suppliers, travel times and even for several people - including taxes and fees. further, "Because," says Hennerkes, "There has never been in so many Internet providers that promise the best deal. The fact that this price is not reported because of taxes and charges can then be held not more, frustrated users."

the pages of Travel IQ ( contain no advertising, they are clear and intuitively designed. Especially nice in your search: Intelligent filter appear only the truly relevant information, duplication eliminated. In addition, the best deal is always high on the list. After the first search query, the results are also in accordance with their preferences in a simple and effective filter. Thus, the user will find in just three steps, the best for him Offer.

Travel IQ was founded by the two Managing Directors Dr. Christian Hennerkes and Konstantin Schlüter. The company currently has eleven employees and has offices in Munich and Berlin. In October 2007, Burda Digital Ventures participated in Travel IQ. For more information .

-dpa -


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