Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pregnant With Really Dark Stool


I look back and pull the dash. half a border. we have believed. I have believed. what is already believe is not everything seem just? there is nothing there, what keeps me still with you. you are losing the hand. a "show" does not replace a "resist" . you can lead you from the demons in your head. lighthouse keeper also suffer paroxysms under. just like all of us. are blind, if perish worlds. just like all of us. nobody's has seen that a world passes away. I would not care, I would not have it. you have guided you, and bridge the polemical destroyed. glut in the hot burned for a long for more. a last gasp, the old times sake. Destroy your blinkers demonic laced baby, and you will have it easier in life. which is true only in you . go, I do not care. a new flood washed me away.

it is not much to say. look at it, your battlefield. soaked with blood and sweat. one thousand empty words. why you liked us, "said du because we were so different. why all the words are nothing worth? abandoned. trying to save what remained still hanging. It was so much. so much. too much to throw away. cut. what kept us still. cut. attempts to dispose of it. remains the ash. you asked for it. it was your decision. My challenge is how to mist the eyes and makes me not see the stars. only tag. only one day. I was robbed. only one day for you and me. I can steal from me. what to do with all that's left? it made me fly. and now? you stumble, it slows down and you fall.

one thousand empty words. why you liked us du said because we were so different. why all the words are worth nothing?

and I can yet. My thoughts are free. it is still, from here to m edge of the world. you do not reign. I've lost, but won my own battle. I have achieved what seemed impossible yesterday. it makes me neither proud nor happy. It makes me doubt. in the hours of eternity. albeit not pass away the hours, I'll stay here. it's different than last time. nor am I sure to have demanded the right thing. only the depth of the gap can show how far they will fall. in the next days, weeks, . Months the overwhelming darkness, mummification. I sit here, in the hours of eternity. understand the hours before. before we go on anything. broken and shot out. I, the live gate. the train stops and I get in. free view to the sea. go, I do not care. if it were not so, I'd love you again. and twice as much.

hard to let go of a loved one. is soest second home since Ner scarce for weeks, still blogged:


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