Monday, September 18, 2006

Jogos Olineskateparkdatechdecklive

s-major key

yes, they flew. actually. three times round and high. So why not the coffee pot? why not until after pan-Eickel? conspire to ignite .

instances and vote. nervous twitch. tapped rhythms. totally unexpected: arias in s major. killed, and monasteries. vibrating timber. . Image neurosis spoil the pelt. cantus firmus, where are you gone? perfidious geschmunzel. no I do not think you do. and then he dances. hopes . the colorful dances gyro. expectations. and dances. black holes . And dance. hundred times groomed by acid rain. in the end it never makes up . the colored leaves. you're the last instance. a sad sight. you will never understand me . he is tired. rests in the gutter. no . only a matter of time until he throws up. report it adversely winter, autumn in the middle of summer . emotions, as usual. but different. concentrated. are in sleep, with children in hand luggage. can you manage it? you know there? not today. our hopes and expectations . the echo is dancing. black holes and revelations . ridiculous theories that sound exactly as they should. which are so wrong that the silence tingles. roller coaster of bubbles. familiar old names, old familiar faces. the fear that you mastered. the fear of losing. what one has. Embarrassed faces, entered words. compassionate look, feigned grace. grace? I do not need grace. people who move. and move. rock fragments falling into the water. One afternoon at three. for four. rock fragments falling into the water. draw circles. and fall. stones that passed through his hands. and wrote stories. I can write stories, too. He is the way my auch.nur not nearly as good as his. we write about ourselves and life over. over understanding. his stories bear witness to truth, knowledge, and chocolate cake. cocoa powder with nutella instead. my sensations from falsehood and objective. I'm 20th he, he was four. stock and chestnut, 2 meters. insurmountable. for him. not for me. this is completely ok. the view of the hungry. by world history. before he arrived at 10, he falls asleep. a nd the ship is taking me. me nothing, you nothing. far away. the epitome of the tent-breaking. seconds show how true it was. as it was true. edges on the Lens, blue cracks in consciousness. and then: the last leaf. and not a new role. milk alone for a long time makes no coffee. brown eyes does. almost. anyway. salto beating skater. and blue chairs. a beginning. and an end. little hands on a thick fur. an asset for the moment. 8 times as large. boundless great therapeutic effect. the pathetic attempt to embrace. a moving sight. his melancholy aura spills over. to have this incredible sense of accomplishment. be closer to. the problem of being fooled for an hour. far away from the memories . a penny for his thoughts. you may despair at the thought that in the long term will change. while this is not even their fault.


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