Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cervical Fluid Like A Rubber Band

Slight increase in traffic at German airports in 2008

- worsening outlook for 2009 continues

survey conducted by the Airport Association (ADV German Airports) the number of passengers rose to the 24 international airports in Germany in 2008 by 1.1 percent to 191 million.

The air cargo (including airmail) grew by 6.0 percent to 3.83 million tonnes. The commercial aircraft movements were an increase of 0.4 percent and 2.25 million take-offs and landings, marginally higher than in 2007.

"In all recorded parameters was a significant weakening of the year to watch out. Many airlines have already responded and capacities withdrawn, "said ADV CEO Ralph Beisel.

For 2009, the airport association expects the global economic crisis on all trades of declines. Previous downturns have shown, however, occur that, according to its end marked catch-up effects with an above-average traffic growth.

Ralph Beisel stresses. "Despite the temporary loss of traffic we stick with our long-term forecasts. If the crisis is over, the German airports will again expect average growth rates of four to five percent. "

The current weak demand can not therefore about Hide the fact that the expansion projects remain the German airports, remains urgent. An investment of 20 billion euros is available.

Ralph Beisel warns concluded: "We are confident that the policy of the recovery plan recognizes at German airports and support and mentor the long-term forecast for the year 2020 with 300 million passengers and 6.8 million tonnes of air freight for air transport in Germany. endures. With the current infrastructure we can not handle this traffic volume. "



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