Sunday, November 22, 2009

Headbands On Footballers

Global warming is stalled

completely online in Spiegel Online, 1518,661308,00. html

For ten years the average global temperature rises to not continue. The climatologists speculate on how this trend can be explained. Is it the lack of sunspots? Or in unusual ocean currents?

At least in Copenhagen could play the weather. The Danish Meteorological Institute forecast for the climate conference in December temperatures one degree above the long-term average.

But otherwise it is far from global warming does not currently produces. The average temperature rise on Earth Since the beginning of the millennium no longer continues to increase. And this year it looks like a standstill.

ground to a halt climate change is just want to negotiate in advance that the world summit in the Danish capital, where thousands of politicians, civil servants, scientists, business leaders and environmental activists to a reduction in greenhouse gases. To many billion € to be haggled.

rose almost 30 years, the fever chart of planets sharply: from the seventies of the 20th Century until the late nineties to average 0.7 degrees Celsius. "Currently, however, the heat taken a break," said the meteorologist Mojib Latif of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, one of the most climate researchers in Germany. In view of the temperature curve, he speaks of a "plateau", a high-level stagnation, "There is no truth to quibble, we have to face."

Although the temperature down is likely to change anything in the long-term warming trend, but he feeds doubts about the predictive power of climate models - and is a political issue. For months, climate skeptics graze their web forums on the findings. Many climate researchers treat the temperature data, in the public domain as bashful as a teenager a love bite - and therefore damage their own credibility.

"It is not to deny that this one in our community The hottest topics. says Jochem Marotzke, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, the climate modelers is to open: "We do not really know why this stagnation is happening now"

Just a few weeks ago. the UK's Hadley Centre for Climate Change the excitement with its latest calculations the average global temperature fanned: From 1999 to 2008, the world has warmed by 0.07 degrees Celsius, therefore only - and not those of 0.2 degrees Celsius in the still of the clear UN IPCC assumes. Calculate one forget the two natural climate events El Niño and La Niña out, then even a temperature trend of 0.0 degrees Celsius, the British ascertaining numerical Experts - that a halt.

The differences between individual regions of the world are huge: the Arctic recorded as an increase of nearly three degrees Celsius, which led to a dramatic melting of sea ice. But at the same time to cool large areas of North America, the Western Pacific and the Arabian peninsula from. Europe, including Germany, is still slightly in the positive range (see chart).

But some researchers do not admit the British calculations partout. "The warming continued falling in recent years," said Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) defiant. With this view he is however, largely alone. The Hamburg Max Planck researchers Marotzke consider that it was, "I know of no serious colleague who would deny that in recent years is not getting warmer."

For the lay public are all the confusing messages: Why is so hard fought on climate change, although it currently does not become warmer? And how can it be that there appears among the researchers are not even a consensus on the development of temperatures, although these are yet measured the time?

517 weather stations include the global network. But any measurement is only a small dot on the large world map and have extrapolated using supercomputers for the region be. In addition, there are still many blind spots. The largest of these is the Arctic, where there are a massive area of only about 20 stations; climatologists speak of the "Arctic-hole".

Researchers at the Hadley Centre for the hole had simply used the global average, ignoring that it was in the Arctic have become significantly warmer, criticized Rahmstorf. But a NASA working group of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, which takes into account the special case in the Arctic is defined in Rahmstorf, for the past five years for a similar flat temperature curve as the British counterparts. Marotzke judges, therefore, Rahmstorf did it "argument from the curve taken.

Marotzke and Latif keep the run of researchers as Rahmstorf Black calculation even counterproductive. "We need the public to declare that the temperatures caused by greenhouse gases not rush from one record to another, but subject to natural fluctuations" said Latif dangerous it be seen to individual weather events such as a drought in Mali, or a hurricane, as examples of the already fully slamming climate change

Latif:.. "We have in the past might suggest too strongly that the development in a simple straight line always leads to the top. In fact, periods of stagnation . Or even cooling as normal "

climatologists are characterized by their computer models, a curve whose end point lies far in the future: By the end of the century, according to the forecast, will increase the average global temperature by around three degrees Celsius - unless . it is possible to drastically reduce greenhouse gas look like on the other hand the global climate in 2015, 2030 or 2050, no one knows for sure change

Besides the human impact and natural factors in climate processes on Earth. The currents of the ocean are subject to certain cycles, as is the activity of the sun. Also, large volcanic eruptions can dampen the temperature rise in the medium term. The eruption of Pinatubo in June 1991 as the world's temperature dropped by 0.5 degrees Celsius. Shall extend a cooler climate, the eruption phase, which began in the late eighties.

But the Pinatubo eruption is already too long ago. So which factor behind the current lame warming?

fact is: The sun is weakening. Its radiation activity is currently at a minimum - which is also evident from the low number of sunspots on its surface. After the calculation of NASA scientists led by David Rind, which was recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, is the reduced solar activity is the principle cause of the stagnant Warming.

ocean expert Latif, however typing more on the "Pacific decadal oscillation." This flow phenomenon in the Pacific can be more cold deep water to rise at the equator. The cooling effect on Earth's atmosphere is substantial.

With his team at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences Latif worked as one of the first model to create medium-term forecasts for the next five to ten years. "We believe we ran there only gradually," says MPI expert Marotzke, also to a large-scale, the Federal Ministry of Research funded project starts.

consensus among researchers, however, about that it will eventually go with the temperatures likely to continue upwards. The prize question is: When it is getting warmer?

If the Pacific deep water is indeed the most important limiting factor should be to pause the climate change until the middle of next decade, says Latif. It is however, especially the sun, the cool, it could quickly become warmer again, for after all the experience, the solar activity would have to increase again in the coming years.

"And that could go with a real jolt," said Adam Scaife Hadley climatologist. Because of the natural cyclical warming then even those come through from the Man-made greenhouse effect to.

not only at conferences, the climate researchers argue passionately about when the temperatures are rising again. Even bet to be won, what will happen with the warming.

Rahmstorf is so sure to keep right in his predictions at the end that he bets out 2500 euros. "I will win," says the gloomy prophet of Potsdam.

FULL COPYRIGHT SPIEGEL ONLINE - out of personal interest here online

Headbands On Footballers

Global warming is stalled

completely online in Spiegel Online, 1518,661308,00. html

For ten years the average global temperature rises to not continue. The climatologists speculate on how this trend can be explained. Is it the lack of sunspots? Or in unusual ocean currents?

At least in Copenhagen could play the weather. The Danish Meteorological Institute forecast for the climate conference in December temperatures one degree above the long-term average.

But otherwise it is far from global warming does not currently produces. The average temperature rise on Earth Since the beginning of the millennium no longer continues to increase. And this year it looks like a standstill.

ground to a halt climate change is just want to negotiate in advance that the world summit in the Danish capital, where thousands of politicians, civil servants, scientists, business leaders and environmental activists to a reduction in greenhouse gases. To many billion € to be haggled.

rose almost 30 years, the fever chart of planets sharply: from the seventies of the 20th Century until the late nineties to average 0.7 degrees Celsius. "Currently, however, the heat taken a break," said the meteorologist Mojib Latif of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, one of the most climate researchers in Germany. In view of the temperature curve, he speaks of a "plateau", a high-level stagnation, "There is no truth to quibble, we have to face."

Although the temperature down is likely to change anything in the long-term warming trend, but he feeds doubts about the predictive power of climate models - and is a political issue. For months, climate skeptics graze their web forums on the findings. Many climate researchers treat the temperature data, in the public domain as bashful as a teenager a love bite - and therefore damage their own credibility.

"It is not to deny that this one in our community The hottest topics. says Jochem Marotzke, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, the climate modelers is to open: "We do not really know why this stagnation is happening now"

Just a few weeks ago. the UK's Hadley Centre for Climate Change the excitement with its latest calculations the average global temperature fanned: From 1999 to 2008, the world has warmed by 0.07 degrees Celsius, therefore only - and not those of 0.2 degrees Celsius in the still of the clear UN IPCC assumes. Calculate one forget the two natural climate events El Niño and La Niña out, then even a temperature trend of 0.0 degrees Celsius, the British ascertaining numerical Experts - that a halt.

The differences between individual regions of the world are huge: the Arctic recorded as an increase of nearly three degrees Celsius, which led to a dramatic melting of sea ice. But at the same time to cool large areas of North America, the Western Pacific and the Arabian peninsula from. Europe, including Germany, is still slightly in the positive range (see chart).

But some researchers do not admit the British calculations partout. "The warming continued falling in recent years," said Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) defiant. With this view he is however, largely alone. The Hamburg Max Planck researchers Marotzke consider that it was, "I know of no serious colleague who would deny that in recent years is not getting warmer."

For the lay public are all the confusing messages: Why is so hard fought on climate change, although it currently does not become warmer? And how can it be that there appears among the researchers are not even a consensus on the development of temperatures, although these are yet measured the time?

517 weather stations include the global network. But any measurement is only a small dot on the large world map and have extrapolated using supercomputers for the region be. In addition, there are still many blind spots. The largest of these is the Arctic, where there are a massive area of only about 20 stations; climatologists speak of the "Arctic-hole".

Researchers at the Hadley Centre for the hole had simply used the global average, ignoring that it was in the Arctic have become significantly warmer, criticized Rahmstorf. But a NASA working group of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, which takes into account the special case in the Arctic is defined in Rahmstorf, for the past five years for a similar flat temperature curve as the British counterparts. Marotzke judges, therefore, Rahmstorf did it "argument from the curve taken.

Marotzke and Latif keep the run of researchers as Rahmstorf Black calculation even counterproductive. "We need the public to declare that the temperatures caused by greenhouse gases not rush from one record to another, but subject to natural fluctuations" said Latif dangerous it be seen to individual weather events such as a drought in Mali, or a hurricane, as examples of the already fully slamming climate change

Latif:.. "We have in the past might suggest too strongly that the development in a simple straight line always leads to the top. In fact, periods of stagnation . Or even cooling as normal "

climatologists are characterized by their computer models, a curve whose end point lies far in the future: By the end of the century, according to the forecast, will increase the average global temperature by around three degrees Celsius - unless . it is possible to drastically reduce greenhouse gas look like on the other hand the global climate in 2015, 2030 or 2050, no one knows for sure change

Besides the human impact and natural factors in climate processes on Earth. The currents of the ocean are subject to certain cycles, as is the activity of the sun. Also, large volcanic eruptions can dampen the temperature rise in the medium term. The eruption of Pinatubo in June 1991 as the world's temperature dropped by 0.5 degrees Celsius. Shall extend a cooler climate, the eruption phase, which began in the late eighties.

But the Pinatubo eruption is already too long ago. So which factor behind the current lame warming?

fact is: The sun is weakening. Its radiation activity is currently at a minimum - which is also evident from the low number of sunspots on its surface. After the calculation of NASA scientists led by David Rind, which was recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, is the reduced solar activity is the principle cause of the stagnant Warming.

ocean expert Latif, however typing more on the "Pacific decadal oscillation." This flow phenomenon in the Pacific can be more cold deep water to rise at the equator. The cooling effect on Earth's atmosphere is substantial.

With his team at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences Latif worked as one of the first model to create medium-term forecasts for the next five to ten years. "We believe we ran there only gradually," says MPI expert Marotzke, also to a large-scale, the Federal Ministry of Research funded project starts.

consensus among researchers, however, about that it will eventually go with the temperatures likely to continue upwards. The prize question is: When it is getting warmer?

If the Pacific deep water is indeed the most important limiting factor should be to pause the climate change until the middle of next decade, says Latif. It is however, especially the sun, the cool, it could quickly become warmer again, for after all the experience, the solar activity would have to increase again in the coming years.

"And that could go with a real jolt," said Adam Scaife Hadley climatologist. Because of the natural cyclical warming then even those come through from the Man-made greenhouse effect to.

not only at conferences, the climate researchers argue passionately about when the temperatures are rising again. Even bet to be won, what will happen with the warming.

Rahmstorf is so sure to keep right in his predictions at the end that he bets out 2500 euros. "I will win," says the gloomy prophet of Potsdam.

FULL COPYRIGHT SPIEGEL ONLINE - out of personal interest here online

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kates Playground Raven Riley Full

Princely blood am Dachstein

opened for 100 select guests of the Dachstein glacier on 15 August 2009 its doors. An ensemble of "Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra" was a exclusive concert with pieces by Mozart and Beethoven on the roof of Styria.

Even Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe in the company of Angela Ermakova and Anna did not miss this concert in a unique environment. For this fine event, there was no better place than the world natural and cultural heritage: THE ROOF STONE.

CEO Mr Ernst Truman led the visitors personally by the Dachstein Ice Palace. The eyes of Anna Ermakova sparkled with the ice sculptures in competition.

showed During the subsequent appearance of the nine musicians of the roof stone at sunset at its best. The evening was rounded off with a 4-course menu with world champion Cry of "wine guru" Willi Opitz.

All attendees agreed that this was an event that seeks its equal!

more information on

-apa, ots - Photo Dachsteingleschter

Kates Playground Raven Riley Full

Princely blood am Dachstein

opened for 100 select guests of the Dachstein glacier on 15 August 2009 its doors. An ensemble of "Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra" was a exclusive concert with pieces by Mozart and Beethoven on the roof of Styria.

Even Mario-Max Prince Schaumburg-Lippe in the company of Angela Ermakova and Anna did not miss this concert in a unique environment. For this fine event, there was no better place than the world natural and cultural heritage: THE ROOF STONE.

CEO Mr Ernst Truman led the visitors personally by the Dachstein Ice Palace. The eyes of Anna Ermakova sparkled with the ice sculptures in competition.

showed During the subsequent appearance of the nine musicians of the roof stone at sunset at its best. The evening was rounded off with a 4-course menu with world champion Cry of "wine guru" Willi Opitz.

All attendees agreed that this was an event that seeks its equal!

more information on

-apa, ots - Photo Dachsteingleschter

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Army Manthly Stetaments

delight of the gourmet kitchen

Significant increase of Austria's leading service menu in 2008 gourmet meal service looks back on a successful year 2008 back
"We recorded in 2008, significant sales growth in all business sectors," said Herbert Fuchs, director gourmet meal service, based in St. Pölten. "In Austria, enjoy Every day more than 150,000 guests in companies, schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, hospitals and senior citizen households our dishes.

Our clear philosophy of quality, gourmet cooking without flavor enhancers, colorings and preservatives, and the consistent implementation of our range of strategies are we for years, Austria's leading instant service, "said Herbert Fuchs.
exceeded expectations in 2008

Despite tough headwinds in the market It managed to surpass the company's sales in recent years with sales of EUR 45.36 million, an increase of more than 10% by 2007 was achieved ", which confirms:.. The market is a growing and I am confident that we will continue our success in the coming years, "said Herbert Fuchs.

Growth Gourmet was mainly due to the further consistent expansion of the areas" Kindergartens & Schools "(+15 to reach 4% over previous year) and "professional" (+13.8% on 2007). Also, the newest division, "home to eat a la carte", which started in 2008, has successfully developed.

"The quality of our food and satisfaction of our guests are the basis for further growth of gourmet meal service. The success of 2008, as well as the implementation of our plans are based on the commitment and professionalism of our employees, "said Herbert Fuchs.
headcount continues to grow

of Goods 2006, 266 employees at gourmet meal service deals, so there are now 329 (+23.68%). By the end of 2009 it will around 340 employees are. Despite the global financial and economic crisis Gourmet a rapidly expanding company and is aiming for the coming years a significant growth.
Ambitious plans 2009

Gourmet is committed to sustainable and targeted growth in all business areas.

Despite the difficult economic situation in Europe predicted the management the gourmet meal service for the fiscal year 2009, a growth of 7 percent.

Gourmet invested in customer satisfaction, because satisfied customers are loyal customers and remain loyal to the company. Customer loyalty is the most important and at the same paramount corporate goal for 2009, "said Herbert Fuchs.
The company

The Gourmet Menu Service Ges.mbH & Co KG was founded in 1975. Today, the Austrian company, headquartered in St. Pölten, Austria's leading service menu. Approximately 150,000 meals a day are on the tables of businesses, schools and kindergartens, retirement homes, Hospitals and senior citizen households in Austria and Bavaria. The simple and economic system has to serve gourmet meals cooked frozen, of food, supplemented with fresh salads, fruits and dairy products.

Gourmet is part of the VIVATIS Holding AG, a leader in the food and beverage industry, based in Linz.

-apa, ots -

Army Manthly Stetaments

delight of the gourmet kitchen

Significant increase of Austria's leading service menu in 2008 gourmet meal service looks back on a successful year 2008 back
"We recorded in 2008, significant sales growth in all business sectors," said Herbert Fuchs, director gourmet meal service, based in St. Pölten. "In Austria, enjoy Every day more than 150,000 guests in companies, schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, hospitals and senior citizen households our dishes.

Our clear philosophy of quality, gourmet cooking without flavor enhancers, colorings and preservatives, and the consistent implementation of our range of strategies are we for years, Austria's leading instant service, "said Herbert Fuchs.
exceeded expectations in 2008

Despite tough headwinds in the market It managed to surpass the company's sales in recent years with sales of EUR 45.36 million, an increase of more than 10% by 2007 was achieved ", which confirms:.. The market is a growing and I am confident that we will continue our success in the coming years, "said Herbert Fuchs.

Growth Gourmet was mainly due to the further consistent expansion of the areas" Kindergartens & Schools "(+15 to reach 4% over previous year) and "professional" (+13.8% on 2007). Also, the newest division, "home to eat a la carte", which started in 2008, has successfully developed.

"The quality of our food and satisfaction of our guests are the basis for further growth of gourmet meal service. The success of 2008, as well as the implementation of our plans are based on the commitment and professionalism of our employees, "said Herbert Fuchs.
headcount continues to grow

of Goods 2006, 266 employees at gourmet meal service deals, so there are now 329 (+23.68%). By the end of 2009 it will around 340 employees are. Despite the global financial and economic crisis Gourmet a rapidly expanding company and is aiming for the coming years a significant growth.
Ambitious plans 2009

Gourmet is committed to sustainable and targeted growth in all business areas.

Despite the difficult economic situation in Europe predicted the management the gourmet meal service for the fiscal year 2009, a growth of 7 percent.

Gourmet invested in customer satisfaction, because satisfied customers are loyal customers and remain loyal to the company. Customer loyalty is the most important and at the same paramount corporate goal for 2009, "said Herbert Fuchs.
The company

The Gourmet Menu Service Ges.mbH & Co KG was founded in 1975. Today, the Austrian company, headquartered in St. Pölten, Austria's leading service menu. Approximately 150,000 meals a day are on the tables of businesses, schools and kindergartens, retirement homes, Hospitals and senior citizen households in Austria and Bavaria. The simple and economic system has to serve gourmet meals cooked frozen, of food, supplemented with fresh salads, fruits and dairy products.

Gourmet is part of the VIVATIS Holding AG, a leader in the food and beverage industry, based in Linz.

-apa, ots -

English Community Service Proof

future trends in the travel industry - Web 2.0 is the focus of "Destination meets online" 2009

Web 2.0 is the focus of this year's "Destination meets online" Congress of the German online travel sector. Initiator Ali Dogan anticipated after the success of the Congress
in Belek / Turkey last year, more than 550 participants.

"The online travel industry has dramatically in recent years developed, it is time to develop new business, "says Dogan." Last year was already clear that Germany's online travel agencies do not sell longer just travel, but in the future even tour operators are want "

aim of the conference.. synergies, set trends

three days, representatives of the leading online portals with hoteliers, airliners, journalists and tourism experts will discuss the destination of Egypt, the prospects and ways of cooperation, it will in the future. "Congress 2007 in Turkey was a milestone for the travel industry," Dogan said.

"On the one hand, we have optimized to work with the destination, on the other hand, it became clear that the online travel agencies are also active in product will benefit from this, especially the customer. With more choice and better prices."

As patron of the event "Destination meets Online" encourages the VIR online sales zubieten in direct cooperation with the destinations to give customers a quality product.

date and other information
For the second time meets Germany's online travel industry in a rough and favorite tourist destinations for the German market. Scene of the forward-looking conference in this Year from Thursday 23 to Sunday, 26 his April, Hurghada on the Red Sea.

more information see: .

About Destination meets online
The Congress meets Online Destination "will once a year to bring together the leaders of the online travel portals and major service providers in the target areas. This makes "Destination meets online" educational work in their destinations and the travel portals is the ability to present themselves in the target area. "Destination meets Online" is an event mark the way back and Flight Travel Centre Ltd.

-apa, ots -

English Community Service Proof

future trends in the travel industry - Web 2.0 is the focus of "Destination meets online" 2009

Web 2.0 is the focus of this year's "Destination meets online" Congress of the German online travel sector. Initiator Ali Dogan anticipated after the success of the Congress
in Belek / Turkey last year, more than 550 participants.

"The online travel industry has dramatically in recent years developed, it is time to develop new business, "says Dogan." Last year was already clear that Germany's online travel agencies do not sell longer just travel, but in the future even tour operators are want "

aim of the conference.. synergies, set trends

three days, representatives of the leading online portals with hoteliers, airliners, journalists and tourism experts will discuss the destination of Egypt, the prospects and ways of cooperation, it will in the future. "Congress 2007 in Turkey was a milestone for the travel industry," Dogan said.

"On the one hand, we have optimized to work with the destination, on the other hand, it became clear that the online travel agencies are also active in product will benefit from this, especially the customer. With more choice and better prices."

As patron of the event "Destination meets Online" encourages the VIR online sales zubieten in direct cooperation with the destinations to give customers a quality product.

date and other information
For the second time meets Germany's online travel industry in a rough and favorite tourist destinations for the German market. Scene of the forward-looking conference in this Year from Thursday 23 to Sunday, 26 his April, Hurghada on the Red Sea.

more information see: .

About Destination meets online
The Congress meets Online Destination "will once a year to bring together the leaders of the online travel portals and major service providers in the target areas. This makes "Destination meets online" educational work in their destinations and the travel portals is the ability to present themselves in the target area. "Destination meets Online" is an event mark the way back and Flight Travel Centre Ltd.

-apa, ots -

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Cervical Fluid Like A Rubber Band

Slight increase in traffic at German airports in 2008

- worsening outlook for 2009 continues

survey conducted by the Airport Association (ADV German Airports) the number of passengers rose to the 24 international airports in Germany in 2008 by 1.1 percent to 191 million.

The air cargo (including airmail) grew by 6.0 percent to 3.83 million tonnes. The commercial aircraft movements were an increase of 0.4 percent and 2.25 million take-offs and landings, marginally higher than in 2007.

"In all recorded parameters was a significant weakening of the year to watch out. Many airlines have already responded and capacities withdrawn, "said ADV CEO Ralph Beisel.

For 2009, the airport association expects the global economic crisis on all trades of declines. Previous downturns have shown, however, occur that, according to its end marked catch-up effects with an above-average traffic growth.

Ralph Beisel stresses. "Despite the temporary loss of traffic we stick with our long-term forecasts. If the crisis is over, the German airports will again expect average growth rates of four to five percent. "

The current weak demand can not therefore about Hide the fact that the expansion projects remain the German airports, remains urgent. An investment of 20 billion euros is available.

Ralph Beisel warns concluded: "We are confident that the policy of the recovery plan recognizes at German airports and support and mentor the long-term forecast for the year 2020 with 300 million passengers and 6.8 million tonnes of air freight for air transport in Germany. endures. With the current infrastructure we can not handle this traffic volume. "


Cervical Fluid Like A Rubber Band

Slight increase in traffic at German airports in 2008

- worsening outlook for 2009 continues

survey conducted by the Airport Association (ADV German Airports) the number of passengers rose to the 24 international airports in Germany in 2008 by 1.1 percent to 191 million.

The air cargo (including airmail) grew by 6.0 percent to 3.83 million tonnes. The commercial aircraft movements were an increase of 0.4 percent and 2.25 million take-offs and landings, marginally higher than in 2007.

"In all recorded parameters was a significant weakening of the year to watch out. Many airlines have already responded and capacities withdrawn, "said ADV CEO Ralph Beisel.

For 2009, the airport association expects the global economic crisis on all trades of declines. Previous downturns have shown, however, occur that, according to its end marked catch-up effects with an above-average traffic growth.

Ralph Beisel stresses. "Despite the temporary loss of traffic we stick with our long-term forecasts. If the crisis is over, the German airports will again expect average growth rates of four to five percent. "

The current weak demand can not therefore about Hide the fact that the expansion projects remain the German airports, remains urgent. An investment of 20 billion euros is available.

Ralph Beisel warns concluded: "We are confident that the policy of the recovery plan recognizes at German airports and support and mentor the long-term forecast for the year 2020 with 300 million passengers and 6.8 million tonnes of air freight for air transport in Germany. endures. With the current infrastructure we can not handle this traffic volume. "


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What Happened To Denise In Eastenders

four-star comfort to the three-star price Hotel Price Index shows by how low the price difference between may be the hotel star ratings, compare prices

worthwhile not only in economically difficult times, but also in planning the next holiday hotel. In some destinations could be the comfort of a four-star hotels for the price of a three-star hotel use, as the present Hotel Price Index (HPI) of shows. The analysis based on data from the world's most visited hotel booking portal and development of hotel rates for the third quarter of 2008 identifies shows, travel destinations, in which the level of price difference between the selected and the next higher star category, only a few €.

price difference in Europe at least

travel in Europe have benefited most from the low price difference between three-and four-star hotels. Above all in Madrid. Paying guests in the English capital for a three-star inn between July-September average of 77 € per room and night, was a star for just one more
€ more mature. With the average hotel cost of 78 € per room and night enjoying all the benefits of a Madrid-Tourist four-star hotel.

A star-struck upgrade in Barcelona and Copenhagen with six extra € to book. Also in Dublin, Munich and Oslo, the extra cost was for the next higher category hotel less than ten euros. Whom some more luxury biszu € 20 per room per night was worth, coming in many other cities of European destinations to its costs, such as Rome, Budapest, Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Lisbon, Stockholm and Edinburgh.

for Long-distance travelers to North and South America paid off during the investigation period, a price / performance comparison. Both in the U.S. metropolitan Chicago and Washington, as well as in Mexico City and in Toronto, Canada settled for around 20 € the room up one star.

The July-September quarter bargain 2008 made smart city tourists in Warsaw. This was both a first-class hotel with four stars, as well as the luxury version charged with five stars per room and night average of 94 €.

The Hotel Price Index is available for free download at

-dpa -

What Happened To Denise In Eastenders

four-star comfort to the three-star price Hotel Price Index shows by how low the price difference between may be the hotel star ratings, compare prices

worthwhile not only in economically difficult times, but also in planning the next holiday hotel. In some destinations could be the comfort of a four-star hotels for the price of a three-star hotel use, as the present Hotel Price Index (HPI) of shows. The analysis based on data from the world's most visited hotel booking portal and development of hotel rates for the third quarter of 2008 identifies shows, travel destinations, in which the level of price difference between the selected and the next higher star category, only a few €.

price difference in Europe at least

travel in Europe have benefited most from the low price difference between three-and four-star hotels. Above all in Madrid. Paying guests in the English capital for a three-star inn between July-September average of 77 € per room and night, was a star for just one more
€ more mature. With the average hotel cost of 78 € per room and night enjoying all the benefits of a Madrid-Tourist four-star hotel.

A star-struck upgrade in Barcelona and Copenhagen with six extra € to book. Also in Dublin, Munich and Oslo, the extra cost was for the next higher category hotel less than ten euros. Whom some more luxury biszu € 20 per room per night was worth, coming in many other cities of European destinations to its costs, such as Rome, Budapest, Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Lisbon, Stockholm and Edinburgh.

for Long-distance travelers to North and South America paid off during the investigation period, a price / performance comparison. Both in the U.S. metropolitan Chicago and Washington, as well as in Mexico City and in Toronto, Canada settled for around 20 € the room up one star.

The July-September quarter bargain 2008 made smart city tourists in Warsaw. This was both a first-class hotel with four stars, as well as the luxury version charged with five stars per room and night average of 94 €.

The Hotel Price Index is available for free download at

-dpa -